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Tubiteho Project

Tubiteho Project

TUBITEHO PROJECT” (Let’s take care of them) is aimed to enhance the quality of life for People Who Use Drugs (PWUD), taking into account a gender and human rights approach that recognises them as a key population in Rwanda. This initiative will contribute to the national response to HIV prevention and management, with the ambitious target of contributing to the identification and linkage of the hard-to-reach populations and ensuring the sustainability of gains registered in the framework of 95-95-95 and the elimination of new H.I.V. infections by 2030.


With this project, we aim to advocate for harm reduction services among People Who Use Drugs in Rwanda.

OUR Interventions

The project is built on three pillars:

Pillar 1 – Advocacy: Our advocacy strategy promotes a dual approach that combines awareness-raising with decision-maker engagement.

Pillar 2 – Demand and PWUDs’ Empowerment: Under this pillar, the coalition will implement various strategies, including (i) mapping health facilities in each of the three target districts, (ii) training to strengthen the capacity of service providers, and (iii) sensitising law enforcement agents on the fundamental human rights of people who use drugs (PWUDs) and building the capacity of harm reduction service seekers through peer educators’ training.

Pillar 3 – Service Provision: This project aligns with the Rwanda HIV/AIDS National Strategic Plan 2018-2024, which recognises people who use drugs as a Key population requiring special consideration in responses to HIV/AIDS. Under this pillar, activities planned include the Ministry of Health’s engagement in harm reduction minimum service package.