This project comes at a right time when small CSOs have been trained on SRH legal framework and advocacy techniques. However, the coalition still needs to work on having a clear framework that can bring on board a significant number of small and medium-sized organisations targeting community-based organisations. The proposed interventions under this project will allow the coalition members to come together as one voice towards realising SRHR and enhancing its actions’ visibility and branding. The project will also strengthen the capacity of a new network of medical doctors for choice, a new emerging network of pro-choice providers to optimise friendly women’s access to safe abortion services through linkages. Since 2010, coalition members have been working together on activities related to advocacy and sensitisation for SRHR and now seek to build on their previous experience and best practices from the current AmplifyChange networking project.
Main Goal: Strengthen the capacity of CSOs to advocate for SRHR and safe abortion rights.
- Strengthen the capacity of the SRH network of CSOs to engage with the Rwandan government on key SRH issues through advocacy and policy influence.
- Enhance documentation, visibility, branding, and reporting on SRH issues among Rwandan CSOs.
- Optimise advocacy initiatives across the Great Lakes region through organised platforms among CSOs focusing on SRH, adolescent sexual reproductive health, and women’s rights.
- Conduct an action-oriented study on non-legal barriers faced by vulnerable and poor women in accessing safe abortion in Rwanda.